Adobe periodically offers special promotional pricing for student and teacher editions of software on. Update 2: We've received a full statement from Adobe, and it turns out the company will honor orders that were placed at the discounted rate. We've reached out to the company for comment and we'll let you know when we hear official word on what happened here. Update: Unfortunately, it appears that Adobe is no longer accepting the discount code, even though it originally wasn't supposed to end until March 3rd. Just keep in mind that CS5 is on its way out, so if you take advantage of this deal you'll be missing out on that fancy content-aware move feature demoed in Photoshop CS6. The discount applies to both PC and Mac editions of the software, and if you'd rather have a retail copy you can have one shipped to you for $5.95 more.

Teachers, faculty, and staff also quality if you can provide proof of employment to Adobe. The student and teacher edition of the photo editing software typically costs $199, but until March 3rd it's just $39.80 with discount code "SAVE80EDU." To qualify for the discounted pricing you need to be a student with proof of enrollment (read: a valid student ID) in an accredited university, primary, or secondary school.

Adobe is running a deal on its site that will let students and teachers download a full version of Adobe Photoshop CS5 for 80 percent off.